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By November 24, 2017March 15th, 2020No Comments


Sketching can be defined as the initial visualization of the future masterpiece which gives an idea to the artist about the right perspective, composition and balance. Sketching has proven to be an incredibly import aspect of art history. Sketching forms the first stage of the visual representation of the human brain imagination.

Sketching from the base of any great work of art, it gives foundation, structure and context for the painting to be developed. Every artist is known to sketch a line, scribbles, doodles etc as the initial visualization process. Sketching forms the key element in the life of an artist without which he fails to express the depth of his emotions through the final artwork.

Sketching helps the artist to finalize the compositions after a series of initial sketches and visualize the final outcome of the paintings. It helps the artist to be expressive and get the initial ideas which is later molded into a expert piece of work. Sketching forms the rawer form of the final painting filled with expressions and emotions. Sketching has a vital role to play as it increases the observational skills and helps in easy representation of objects, animals, scenic beauty, people etc in more realistic manner.

An artist finds inspiration in anything and everything that catches his eyes thus carrying his portable sketch book to capture the realistic view of the scenario. Sketching helps to find the most suitable format for the composition, contemplate errors and modifications and can examine the reality or abstraction into simplified shapes and add value to the same. Interestingly sketching is not confined to any specific art tool, it gives the artist choice of using pen, pencil, charcoal etc.

Sketching is the stage where the thought process is made real, this stage is not a competition it is the stage where the artist spends his own time making modifications to portray his thought process on to the paper precisely without compromising on losing out even one stroke of expression. The marks, lines and contours created during the process of sketching reveal their own language, emotion, expression and ambiguity.

It is important for an artist or an art lover to realize the importance of Sketching while painting as it initiates the creative thoughts, triggers observational skills and helps in composing the visual artwork irrespective of the medium, perfect.  Even though the processed sketching gets hidden beneath the layer of paints it serves the purpose and style of the artist. Sketching not only helps in internalizing the scene but also restricts the eagerness of the artist to jump into the brilliancy of colors. It is the paramount stage that leads to initiation of color defining the sketches developed.

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