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Experiencing art opens a lot of exploration in oneself . Fine arts foundation is a course that is providing an opportunity to understand the techniques and application in arts . It provides for structured sketching lessons in the beginner level. Indulge yourself in learning the basics of drawing to unlock and unleash finding new parts of yourself.

How long is thecourse for?

Fine Arts Foundation is a two months course of sixteen classes . There are eight classes each month providing for both weekdays and weekends batches , students enrolling can choose between either one of these batches (weekdays batch or weekends batch) . Students enrolling will have two classes per week in their respective batches.

What does the Fine Arts Foundation course offer ?

Fine Arts Foundation offers to teach sketching , introducing students to certain art techniques and it’s  understanding . Fine Arts Foundation teaches the basics in drawing lines , angles , perspectives , light and shadow , contrast , composition and anatomy basics. This really opens up the artist in the students.

Who is eligible for the course?

In this course offered for adults (18 and above 18 years of age) who are interested in learning the basics of structured drawing , clearing this Fine Arts Foundation course provides for eligibility of the students to enroll in Diploma in Fine Arts (DFA) program if they are willing to pursue further on arts.

What are the time slots available?

  • Mornings in the weekday batch from 11 am to 1 pm and evenings in the weekday batch from 6 pm to 8 pm.
  • Weekend batches are fully allotted now , we open again from November 2023  for weekend batch.

What is to experience?

Fine Arts Foundation provides for art to be experienced , bringing in a basic clarity in sketching , to be able to perceive things in a new artistic perspective , to progress and evolve more with art .

What are the benefits of sketching?

  • Sketching is a great way to open creative skills , it opens up creativity in oneself and it helps to see the world from different perspective , it helps to understand art is all around us  , and how life imitates art and art imitates life in our daily lives.

  • Sketching provides for bringing more focus and attention in everyone thereby improving patience in those who are practicing it regularly , it also develops hand eye coordination .

  • Sketching regularly is very therapeutic and has a good impact on the mental health of all , considering how significant it has become in the present world to bring awareness to it , art is one of the many ways to heal oneself regularly.

  • Sketching provides for self – expression , we could express ourselves through our art , we know how much artists are capable of changing the world , art has the power to impact , to tell stories , to shift perspectives.

We could always keep moving onto progress with every art work we make and the joy is immense when we open ourselves to bettering ourselves with every day , every passing moment in our lives , we all are deserving to be artists of our choice in this world , we indulge ourselves in art to realize we are not in the world , but the world is in us , art liberates us in every way possible.

Sketching provides as a great way to document our lives , we could always sketch down our memories , in a way journal our lives in drawing provides and adds a lot of reflection of how far we have come in our life.

Admissions are open for all to enroll themselves now , join the course to experience art in the ambience of our soulful classroom , evoke the patience , perseverance , focus and determination in you , because this class is to inspire the ARTIST in you.

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